
{decorating with style} It's Almost One Room Challenge Time Again!

Hi all! I'm sorry it's been a little quiet around here this past week! I spent most of last week preparing to speak at the Denver Home Show, which happened over the weekend, and this week I'm working like crazy behind the scenes because I have so many exciting things coming up in the next few weeks - including the return of the One Room Challenge! But I'll get back to that in a minute.


This weeks lack of posts will more than be made up for next week! It's going to be jammed packed with goodness, so I wanted to pop in to give you a quick peek at what's coming up. All of next week I'll be participating in a fun week long event {coordinated by Southern State of Mind} called Boy Mom Madness, so each day I'll be bringing you a different boy mom related post - from decorating and DIY to organizing, it's going to be all about the little boys! Until Friday that is, when it will be all about the mom's with the Ultimate Boy Mom Giveaway!

Next Friday, I'll also be sharing my very first contributor post at Designer Trapped in a Lawyer's Body, and I'm pretty excited about the project I've created! I'll be sure to post the link here so that you can pop over and read all about it when it goes live.

And last, but certainly not least, the One Room Challenge kicks off again next week! This will be my third time participating in the ORC, and I am SO STINKING EXCITING about what I have planned! I don't want to spoil the surprise, so you'll have to wait until next week to see the design plans, but I will tell you that it's all happening UNDER.THE.STAIRS!

I've talked about the ORC around here a lot, but if you are not familiar with the challenge, you can read all about in my previous post entitled What is the One Room Challenge? But if you really want to see what it's all about, here's a quick run down of my two prior ORC projects!

Modern Metro Master Bedroom

Vintage Preppy Little Man's Lounge

Let's get social!   
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