{One Room Challenge Week 5} Dining Room Facelift

It's the final week of the One Room Challenge before the big reveal next week. Our kitchen dining area has come a long way, but we've saved the best for last... which is really just another way of saying that we've procrastinated on a couple of the biggest projects and we'd better hope everything goes smoothly so we can make it to the finish line!

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Let's start with what has been accomplished first. We've got all the new furniture in the room, including the new dining table, chairs, and storage cabinet. And we hung a new light above the dining table, and three new pendants above the island. We even had a chance to break it all in by hosting a dinner party in the midst of the redesign chaos.

We had moved all the old furniture to the garage because I hadn't had time to think about what to do with it yet. We were debating on whether to try to sell it or donate it, but either way I knew I needed it out of the garage soon so we didn't have to park on the street once the cold and snow are here to stay. 

In the meantime, my mother-in-law mentioned she knew a young family that might want the furniture so we got in touch with them. Sure enough, they were able to pick everything up this weekend and within an hour of leaving our house they sent us a photo of it all set up in their own dining room. They even have tealish colored walls, similar to our kitchen. It was meant to be, and I'm so thrilled that we were able to pass everything on to another family that can use it! Here it is in their house...

Speaking of our teal walls, they are a thing of the past. Last week on Instagram, I wrote a Dear John letter to the color that we've lived with and loved for the past 10 years. I was a little sad to see it go, but also so ready for a refresh! We chose Benjamin Moore Metropolitan Gray - the 2019 Color of the Year, and the same color we used in our master bedroom and bathroom. 

Here's a reminder of what the kitchen looked like before...

And here's a sneak peek at how it looks now...

The paint color is a lot more neutral, but it will be a perfect balance to the bold statement tile that we chose for the front of the kitchen island. Last week I showed you the two tiles we narrowed it down to, and we finally decided on the one on the larger, more abstract tile (the one on the left).

We'll be installing the tile this weekend, so fingers crossed that we don't run into any challenges!

It wouldn't be a One Room Challenge if I didn't decide to add some last minute projects to the to do list, and this week I decided I needed to add some hardware to the Ikea cabinetry. After spending about an hour wandering around the largest cabinet hardware store I've ever been in, I finally found the perfect ones, ordered them, and they should get here just in time (I hope)!

I've also got a plan to create a major statement on the opposite side of the kitchen as well, under our long, thin window.

But you'll have to wait for the reveal next week to see what we're doing here. How's that for a cliff hanger? To be continued...
