{five minute friday} Pillow Talk: My Seasonal Pillow Swap

Swapping pillows can be one of the easiest ways to change up your decor! Whether you're just craving a new style, or wanting to add some seasonal decor, a quick change of the pillows on your couch and chairs can have a big impact!

I usually wait until after Labor Day to start adding fall decor to the main floor of my house, but last night, after the kids went to bed, I was feeling motivated, so I went for it! I spent about an hour putting away some of our more summery decor and bring in some touches of fall. When it was all done, I looked around and realized that of all the changes I made, the one that has the biggest impact is the one that only took me five minutes - simply changing the pillows on our couch and chairs in our living room! 

Of course, to get the full impact, I guess you have to know what the couch looked like five minutes earlier...so here you go:

As much as I love the hot pink accents in our largely teal and grey living room, when the colors start to change in fall, the pink feels really out of place compared to the gold and orange landscape outside. By simply swapping out a few pillows, I'm able to give our living room a whole new look in just a few minutes time! I also do change out a few accessories, but it's the pillows that really catch your eye.

Here's a look at the pillow swap that happened on the other side of the room. This is what our living room looked like throughout the spring and summer - with sparkly teal pillows and a black and white striped blanket on the chairs.

And now the fall version...

If you noticed that the art above the chairs also changed... that's a fun little trick! That's our framed television on the wall, and I have a DVD of 50 famous paintings from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in NYC that I like to play on the tv. In these two photos, I simply paused the screen on two different paintings.

I also swap out the pillows in the living room for Christmas, opting for red accents to compliment the teal.

Best of all, swapping out pillows for the seasons can also be a really inexpensive way to update your decor. Sure, pillows can be pricey, but you can also find some great deals at places like Home Goods and Target. Most of my seasonal pillows I've purchased on clearance at the end of a season so that they'd be ready to go for the next year.

Pillow Talk: Seasonal Pillow Swap

And where do I store all these extra pillows you are probably wondering? I line them all up on the top shelf of a hall closet that is too high for me to reach without a step ladder. My storing them out of reach, they aren't taking up valuable storage space for the items I use more frequently, and it's not a problem to drag out the step ladder once every few months to swap pillows.

So, are you ready to do a little pillow swapping of your own? If you need a little help, you're in luck, because I have a fun series planned for the next few weeks! Last year, I posted about 10 non-traditional color palettes for fall, and starting next week, I'm going to put together a suggested group of pillows and accessories to go along with each of those color palettes! I'm pretty excited about it, and not just because it means I get to do a whole lot of online shopping!

In the meantime, if you can check out our full Fall Home Tour from last year, or you can browse my complete collection of fall decor and DIY projects.

If you do some five minute pillow swapping this weekend, I'd love to see your before and after photos! Tag me on Facebook or Instagram!
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