
{one room challenge} Week 4- I've Been Hangin' Around...

It's week four of the One Room Challenge and things are getting real! Real stressful that is. As you read this, I am in Salt Lake City attending the SNAP conference - catching up with some of my best blogging friends, making lots of new friend, and learning more information than my brain can possibly hold. I'm having a fabulous time, but I can't stop thinking about the long list of things still to be done in the under stair playroom in the next two weeks… or what will really be only a week and a half by the time I get home.

But rather than dwelling on what I won't be getting done this weekend, let me give you a quick overview of the progress we've made since my last update. We are working fast and furious to transform our under stair storage area into a fun music-themed play space for our boys {you'll find the plans for the room and the back story here}. 

This past week, it was all about hanging... The records started going up on the ceiling and the gallery wall frames are empty, but hung.

Under Stair Playroom Progress

Let's start with the records since I heart this project SO much! 

A couple weeks ago I told you all about the fun we had shopping thrift stores and used music stores to collect over 130 records to cover the sloping ceiling of the under stair playroom. And this week we were finally ready to get that project moving forward.

When we purchased the records we specifically looked for ones with colorful labels, but we were able to find a lot more of some colors than others. We wanted to make sure we got a good distribution of colors on the ceiling, so we started by sorting the Records into piles by color. My husband made fun of me for how much I enjoyed this part of the process… But ever since I was a little kid I've loved putting things in rainbow order.

Under Stair Playroom Progress

Next, we decided that we should lay out all the records on the floor to determine the exact arrangement we wanted on the ceiling. Anal? Yes. But that's the way we do things around. :)

Under Stair Playroom Progress

It was actually kind of fun creating this mock up on the floor of the basement, and it got me even more excited for how all of these records are going to look on the ceiling. Laying them out this way helped us make sure that we wouldn't be stuck with rows of nothing but red and yellow record labels when we get to the end.

Under stair playroom progress

Finally, finally, we were ready to start putting some records on the ceiling. I don't want to show you too much and spoil all the fun for the big reveal, but hopefully this sneak peek photo will get you as excited as it does me - I CAN. NOT. WAIT. to see all of the records on the ceiling!

We also hung all of the frames for the art gallery wall this week. All of the frames and other items on going up on this wall are part of the RIBBA Collection at IKEA, and I'm so grateful to IKEA Centennial for partnering with me to help make this part of the project a reality!

Since the ceiling slopes down at such a drastic angle, the actual wall space is quite limited. I started by creating a Photoshop rendering to help me determine how many frames and which sizes I needed. In the rendering, the white triangle is the actual wall space under the stairs.

Rendering of under stair playroom gallery wall
Here's a little peek at how the gallery wall is coming together. 

Under Stair Playroom Progress

And here's a look back the other direction...

Under Stair Playroom Progress

Some of these frames will hold posters, some will be used to display our kids own artwork, and one will even frame out my sons little guitar. Don't worry… We'll be adding lots of color!

We will also be adding some storage to this wall as well… which is one of the items on my husband's honey-do list while I am away on this fun girls weekend. {Thanks, Scott!}

And that's it for this week folks. If you are visiting for the first time and this post has left you wondering what they heck we are doing in this tiny space - you can catch up on my other One Room Challenge posts here {and you can find my prior One Room Challenge rooms here}:

I'll leave you with a quick rundown of what we have left to accomplish:
  • Frame posters and add color to the gallery wall
  • Finish the wall coaster
  • Create an install the collage above the trim molding
  • Add lighting
  • Create the Dutch door
  • Add pillows, instruments and toys to finish the space
Thanks, as always, to Linda at Calling it Home for hosting the One Room Challenge. I'm really not sure how I ever accomplished major decorating projects without it {very, very slowly!}. Be sure to swing by her blog to see how all the other ORC projects are coming along!

Let's get social!   
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  1. Looking SO good! It's gonna be RAD!

  2. I'm so excited to see this space when it's finished. You guys are doing an amazing job. The sneak peek of the records looks awesome!

  3. wow! that's a lot of records! it's looking so good, your boys are going to love this!

  4. This is looking so great! You're doing such a fab job in such a small space.

  5. This is such a cool space for your little guys - I can't believe how much progress you've made in naptimes!

  6. What a fun space!!! I love the idea of the records on the ceiling! The gallery wall is looking fantastic too! This is going to be so cute! :)

  7. This project so rocks! You have a couple of lucky kiddos... They will love this space!

  8. Angela, seriously you are so talented! I don't know where you find the spare time to come up with a gallery wall plan. Enjoy SNAP conference my friend! It's been on my list for the last 3 years, but living on the East Coast and tight budget hasn't allowed me the opportunity to attend. Soak it all up! XOXO, Sarah (Sarah Sofia Productions)

  9. Decorating with those records is such a fun idea. It's going to be amazing to see the looks on your boys' faces when you finally reveal the space to them!

  10. The gallery wall is looking good! I'm with you on sorting the records--I'd go crazy if the colors weren't properly balanced. Have fun at SNAP!

  11. I love how you arranged and maximized that slanting wall space and my, those records are way, so cool!

  12. I love how you are anal about those records!! They are going to make that space SO fun!!

  13. Angela, this is such a great idea for making the most of that space. I can't wait to see how this all comes together!
    Tricia @ Suburban Bitches
