I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Halloween! The weather was pretty nice here in Denver - a little chilly, but no snow, which beats just about every Halloween I remember from my childhood. Last year, for Beckett's first Halloween, we decided to be "those" people and come up with a family costume. It was a lot of fun and got a great response from the neighbors, so we decide to do it again this year.
Scott is teaching his sons at a young age to be die-hard Denver Broncos fans. Beckett runs around the house yelling "Go Broncos" and anytime football is on tv Cooper is enthralled. I had seen a cute idea on Pinterest to dress the older brother as the football player and the baby brother as the football. But we decided to take it one step further, and Scott and I dressed as referees (not much of a stretch, since that's how we feel most days anyway).
Beckett already had a Peyton Manning football jersey, which, paired with white cotton pants rolled up to his knees and Broncos colored striped socks, made for a quick and easy outfit. But I wanted to make his football player costume a bit more authentic with the addition of some football pads that I DIY'd.
I was pretty proud of the pads when I first made them, but I was even more excited to see how great they looked under Beckett's jersey. They really looked like football pads!

I especially love the look of those shoulder pads from behind!
The simple DIY football pads gave Beckett's costume a much more authentic football player feel. He looked SO stinking cute running around outside in his jersey, pads and eye-black!
Up next was Cooper's costume... He was he football! I bought a plain brown onesie and added the white detail myself. {Details about how I made the onesie will be available on the blog soon - I'll update with a link here at that time!}

We paired Cooper's DIY football onesie with some cute football socks we had picked up at a local boutique and an adorable knitted football hat.
Now tell me he's not the cutest football you've ever seen!?
And don't worry, we also had some warm brown fleece pants that we added to Cooper's costume once it got dark and chilly outside.
Here are our adorable football brothers! It's impossible to get them both to look AND smile at the same time, but I can't get over the cuteness!
Just for fun, let's see a side by side of our family costumes from this year and last.
And if you ever wondered how a star football player and his football unwind at the end of a hard day, I'll let you in on the secret...
Ok, just one more dose of Halloween cuteness before I wrap up. Last year we had originally intended for Beckett to be Elvis for Halloween, but when the 6M sized costume arrived, it was clear it was WAY to big for our 10 month old. Fortunately, one full year later, it was just the right size. So Beckett dressed as Elvis for the costume parade at his preschool yesterday morning. I just couldn't resist getting a photo of mini-Elvis rocking out in front of our jukebox. And since I figured Cooper would be unlikely to make it all day in one costume without any incidents requiring laundry, I picked up a cute little Frankenstein outfit at Target that he wore for the first half of the day.
I just love seeing the photos on Facebook and around blogland of everyone's cutey kiddos in their costumes, so thanks for indulging me as I share my own! Halloween, out.
Labels: baby, DIY, Halloween, kids